Mobility Challenge Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes!
This Thursday, June 6th, Bureau Veritas LCIE CODDE Department mobilized to reduce the environmental impact of commuting. By public transport, by carpooling, by bike or on foot, the members of our team took up the challenge of going to work otherwise than alone in their car!
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NegaOctet : Enrich data for LCA IT equipment!
As part of the NegaOctet R&D project, our team moved to APL, an expert in data centers. In collaboration with DDemain - Supporting the environmental transition and Nodixia, our consultants dismantled various IT equipment (servers, Wi-Fi boxes, printers and smartphones). This enriching experience will improve the databases to achieve the LCA of digital services and…
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SCORELCA 2019 Seminar!
Thursday, March 21, 2019, the CODDE team was present during the 3rd seminar of the SCORE LCA Association. On the program, the presentation of several studies: - "Environmental issues, prioritization and strategic integration: what place for LCA and global limits" by Guillaume Neveux and Helene Teulon ; - "Scenario of energy transitions: strengths and weaknesses…
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Greetings 2019
Network for building purposes equipment environmental declarations – Towards a Harmonised System – Etienne LEES-PERASSO – Damien PRUNEL – 2016
Network for building purposes equipment environmental declarations - Towards a Harmonised System - Etienne LEES-PERASSO - Damien PRUNEL - 2016 Throughout Europe, the increasing demand on performance proofs from public bodies, construction leaders and end customers motivates manufacturers to communicate on the global environmental performance of their products. In parallel, there is a strong willingness…
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How to complete LCA studies data collection in order to improve its quality – Etienne LEES-PERASSO – 2015
How to complete LCA studies data collection in order to improve its quality - Etienne LEES-PERASSO - 2015 LCA is a more and more widespread tool used to calculate the environmental impacts of products and services. This importance leads to an increasing need for reliability and transparency of data and results. In parallel, the multiplication…
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