
Trainings & E-learnings

LCIE helps you to increase your qualification level

We offer high-quality professional training on the theme of Life Cycle Analysis and Eco-design.

  • Certified training: training course led by one of our trainers on site or remotely (1 to 3 days).
  • E-learning: with OneSource Academy, benefit from a vast catalog of online courses developed by Bureau Veritas experts.

To meet the most specific needs, LCIE Bureau Veritas also organizes tailor-made courses and thematic days.

Certified trainings


Discover our 2024 training catalog.

  • Themes: Life Cycle Analysis (LCA), Environmental communication, Eco-design, EIME Software
  • Level: beginner to advanced
  • Duration: from 1 to 3 days
  • Language: French, English
  • Location: LCIE Bureau Veritas offices in Moirans (38) or in Fontenay-aux-Roses (92), via web-meeting, or directly in your company

Registration and Information

LCIE Bureau Veritas is QUALIOPI certified. This certification, recognized by the French public authorities, attests to the quality of our training center.

The training courses give rise to a training agreement. Each participant receives an internship attestation at the end of the internship.

Join the OneSource Academy!

OneSource Academy is an application developed by Bureau Veritas dedicated to e-learnings.

More information