Category Archives: Posts


Carbon footprint of an electronic card: Infographic
The LCIE Bureau Veritas publishes an infographic for the general public of the impacts associated with an electronic card. [spacer] Carbon footprint of an electronic board This infographic presents the impacts of an electronic card of household electrical equipment (104 mm² card with more than 200 electronic components). The impact is 7.53 kg CO2 eq.…
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Carbon footprint of a webconference: Infographic
The LCIE Bureau Veritas publishes an infographic for the general public of the digital impacts associated with a webconference. [spacer] Carbon footprint of a web conference This infographic presents the impacts of a 1 hour webconference (20 participants, connection by smartphone with the camera activated, via mobile in France). The impact is 0.995 kg CO2…
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Carbon footprint of EIME: Infographic
Carbon footprint of EIME - Consumer infographicDownload Since November 1, 2022, CODDE department of LCIE Bureau Veritas has communicated the carbon footprint associated with its consulting service. NegaOctet pilot studies: EIME After 36 months of research, NegaOctet offers a method and tools to measure and reduce the environmental impact of digital services over their entire life cycle. In…
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NegaOctet: Final report
NegaOctet - Final report (public version)Download Based on 36 months of research work carried out by LCIE Bureau Veritas and its partners, the NegaOctet consortium publishes a public version of the final study report The project NegaOctet offers a method and tools to measure and reduce the environmental impact of digital services over their entire…
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Digital in Europe: an approach to environmental impacts through life cycle analysis
Digital in Europe: an approach to environmental impacts through life cycle analysisDownload Digital represents 40% of our sustainable budget to stay below 1.5°C of global warming. It would therefore remain 60% for accommodation, food, travel, treatment, etc.  Today a study led by and carried out by NegaOctet has been published: DIGITAL IN EUROPE: an…
Read more Impacts of digital technology in France and around the world
Created  in 2004, aims to bring together the stakeholders for responsible digital technology. With the support of other experts, published in 2019 and 2020 two benchmark studies on the environmental assessment of digital technology at the level of the French territory and at the global level: [check_list] iNUM : environmental impacts of digital…
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