Category Archives: EIME

Discover ecoinvent in EIME
LCIE Bureau Veritas is proud to annouce the release of ecoinvent in EIME v6! [spacer] ecoinvent expertise ecoinvent was founded by the Swiss research institutes ETH, EPFL, Empa, Agroscope and the Paul Scherrer Institute. The first version of the ecoinvent database was released in 2003. Today, ecoinvent is one of the most recognized Life Cycle Inventory…
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Launch of the EIME API offer
[spacer] Rethinking LCA EIME API aims to fundamentally review our approach to Life Cycle Assessment, including: [check_list] Data collection, Data modelling, Exploitation of the results [/check_list] [spacer] Principles & Applications EIME API works on the principle of requests and responses. One of the EIME API applications designed by LCIE Bureau Veritas lis the automation of Environmental…
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EIME v6: Release
[spacer] Since 1996, EIME evolved to meet normative and industrials requirements.On February 27th 2023, discover EIME v6. February 2023
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Carbon footprint of your studies
Since November 1, 2022, CODDE department of LCIE Bureau Veritas has communicated the carbon footprint associated with its consulting service. The goal? Raise awareness among our teams and our customers about the environmental impact of digital technology. And allow all those who wish to set up responsible digital alternatives at home. [spacer] Digital pollution, what…
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EIME: New indicator set
LCIE Bureau Veritas has launched a new version of the indicator set "PEF/EN15804+A2" in the EIME software. News This new indicator set, entitled “Indicators for PEF EF 3.0 (Compliance: PEP ed.4, EN15804+A2) v2.0”, allows: [check_list] To respond to the latest recommendations of the Technical Committee of the PEP ecopassport® program for the implementation of PCR…
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EIME : New version of the CODDE database
Developed by LCIE Bureau Veritas, the CODDE® database consists of a generic database and sectoral databases (E&E, infrastructure, textiles, etc.). Today, the EIME software integrates the latest version of the CODDE® database. What's new in the CODDE 2022-01 version? The latest version of the CODDE® database contains 280 new inventory data and major updates. New…
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