MICHELIN published its 1st EPD® System declaration verified by LCIE Bureau Veritas
MICHELIN, one of the world leaders in tire design and manufacture, has made respect for the environment one of these commitments. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Renew: with its 4R strategy, Michelin is committed to developing the circular economy in all phases of the life cycle of its tires. In order to promote the environmental impact of…
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L’Oréal launches its environmental and social labeling verified by Bureau Veritas
L’Oréal launches its environmental and social labeling verified by Bureau Veritas Presented to the press on July 25, 2020, L’Oréal For the Future is the new environmental and social strategy of the L’Oréal group for the period 2020-2030. Jean-Paul AGON, Chairman and CEO of the L'Oréal Group, is aiming for a radical transformation: “Our new…
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Assess the environmental impact of your digital services
Digital services are more and more present in our daily lives and are transforming the way we communicate, work and consume. Among these digital services, we for example the generalization of teleworking. Made possible by the democratization of IT tools (online data hosting, collaborative tool, videoconferencing system, etc.), teleworking allows companies to become more efficient…
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Restart your business with Bureau Veritas
Bureau Veritas is on hand to support business resumption with appropriate health and safety conditions across all sectors. Bureau Veritas, a world leader in testing, inspection and certification (TIC) services, has developed a suite of solutions to support companies of all sizes as they restart business activity. Didier Michaud-Daniel, Chief Executive Officer, commented: "The priority…
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Avnir Congress 2019
Cloud computing, big data, block chains, digitization of state services, dematerialization of the currency, smart city, smart grid, etc., digital has invaded our everyday life and that of companies. Questions arise: – What are the tools and methods specific to environmental assessment? – What about its environmental impacts? – How to make sure that digital…
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World Day without plastic bag
Every year, 8 million tonnes of plastics end up in our oceans. Only 9% of this waste is recycled worldwide. Picture : WWF
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