Category Archives: News

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EIME v6: Release
[spacer] Since 1996, EIME evolved to meet normative and industrials requirements.On February 27th 2023, discover EIME v6. February 2023
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1 new EPD® System verifier at CODDE
Béranger HOPPENOT, LCA and Eco-design consultant in the CODDE departement of LCIE Bureau Veritas, has been accredited as verifier by EPD® System program. Congratulations ! This is his second accreditation. His first accreditation was issued by PEP ecopassport® . If you wish to have your environmental declarations verified, or carried out, by LCIE Bureau Veritas,…
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Future of LCA: our vision
[spacer] Future of Life Cycle Assessment will have to reinforce current solutions by meeting the challenges of tomorrow: cybersecurity, big data, traceability February 2023
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Best wishes 2023!
[spacer] The CODDE team of LCIE Bureau Veritas wishes you all the best for 2023!We wish you a year full of success and ambition.On this occasion, we are proud to present our new EIME logo. January 2023
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Disneyland Paris: The largest solar power plant in Ile-de-France
Sun shines on Mickey and his friends! Disneyland Paris has the largest solar power plant in Île-de-France. The solution? Install photovoltaic shades in the visitor car park. [spacer] Disneyland Paris: The largest solar power plant in Ile-de-France Dans le cadre de la stratégie environnementale de Disneyland Paris, le parc a décidé d'installer des ombrières photovoltaïques…
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Combine eco-design and beauty: Marie-Laure PLV’s challenge
Founded in 1982, Marie-Laure PLV supports major luxury and beauty brands. The mission? Design, develop and produce advertising media called "POS" (advertising at the point of sale). Since 2017, the company has been Footprint Progress® certified by Bureau Veritas. We interviewed Mrs. Titikpina, CSR manager at Marie-Laure PLV. [spacer] What are the reasons for your…
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