An FDES accredited verifier at CODDE
Olivia DJIRIGUIAN, LCA & Eco-design consultant at the CODDE Department of LCIE Bureau Veritas, has just been admitted as an authorized verifier of the INIES program. Congratulation ! This is the third authorization that she has held after the authorizations for the PEP ecopassport® program and the EPD® System program. If you want to create…
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EIME: New indicator set
LCIE Bureau Veritas has launched a new version of the indicator set "PEF/EN15804+A2" in the EIME software. News This new indicator set, entitled “Indicators for PEF EF 3.0 (Compliance: PEP ed.4, EN15804+A2) v2.0”, allows: [check_list] To respond to the latest recommendations of the Technical Committee of the PEP ecopassport® program for the implementation of PCR…
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NegaOctet: Final report
NegaOctet - Final report (public version)Download Based on 36 months of research work carried out by LCIE Bureau Veritas and its partners, the NegaOctet consortium publishes a public version of the final study report The project NegaOctet offers a method and tools to measure and reduce the environmental impact of digital services over their entire…
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BV MARK: Verification of carbon footprint according to ISO 14067
Consumers are increasingly demanding full transparency and will disregard products, and manufacturers, that do not deliver these expectations. The BV Mark can help end consumers navigate these complex market challenges while elevating brand awareness. CODDE department of LCIE Bureau Veritas, recognized for its expertise in LCA/Eco-design, verifies the carbon footprint of your products according to…
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Proximus: A new generation of eco-designed setop box
In May 2022, the Belgian operator Proximus launched a new generation of setop box that is more more respectful of the environment. Developed and manufactured by Sagemcom, this new generation of setop box is certified Bureau Veritas Footprint Progress®, certification dedicated to eco-designed products. Key figures The results obtained are: [check_list] Reduction of plastic quantitiesHousing…
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CODDE department welcomes 1 new consultant
CODDE department is pleased to welcome Amandine VINCENOT as LCA & Eco-design consultant. After a successful internship dedicated to the LCA of digital services, Amandine comes to expand the team. It will accompany you in the realization of your studies. Welcome to her ! September 2022
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