L’Oréal launches its environmental and social labeling verified by Bureau Veritas
Presented to the press on July 25, 2020, L’Oréal For the Future is the new environmental and social strategy of the L’Oréal group for the period 2020-2030. Jean-Paul AGON, Chairman and CEO of the L'Oréal Group, is aiming for a radical transformation: “Our new commitments place the company in the only possible scenario for Humanity: respect for planetary limits throughout the life of our products”.
What are « planetary boundaries » ?
In 2009, the Stockholm Resilience Center established 9 distinct planetary boundaries, a concept that has since been endorsed by the United Nations and the international scientific community. These limits, if crossed, could seriously compromise the survival of the human species on Earth. This is why L’Oréal has used this approach to define its sustainable development goals for 2030.
Involve consumers in the transformation process
To ensure this transformation towards a sustainable world, L’Oréal is launching an innovative environmental and social labelling, to allow consumers to make informed consumption choices that correspond to their values.
This environmental and social labeling presents a rating on a scale from A to E, with an "A" product considered "the best in its category" in terms of environmental impact. The score gives a precise vision of the impact of a L'Oréal product by taking into account 14 factors of planetary impacts, such as greenhouse gas emissions, water stress, ocean acidification or the 'impact on biodiversity, measured at each stage of a product's life cycle.
This display is now available on 3 product categories (shampoos, conditioners and skincare) from the Garnier brand. The other brands and product categories of the L’Oréal group will follow in the coming months.

A labelling verified by Bureau Veritas

In order to ensure the application of the impact calculation method as well as the accuracy of the data, Bureau Veritas verified this labelling. Damien PRUNEL, from LCIE Bureau Veritas, was in charge of the verification team and carried out the on-site audit assignments. For more information on this labelling, go to the Garnier website.