Sustainable batteries

Sustainable Batteries

1st regulation published in favour of sustainable products

Batteries play a vital role in the transition towards green mobility and a resurce-efficient economy. To meet the need for visibility and transparency on the sustainability of batteries, European Union published a new Regulation in July 2023.

Regulation (EU) 2023/1542 aims to improve the sustainability, safety and management of batteries, but it also brings challenges for companies in this sector. It is essential that industry players adapt quickly to remain competitive in the European market.

A concentrate of regulatory requirements

Regulation (EU) 2023/1542 sets new requirements for durability, safety, labeling, marking and information to authorize tha placing on the market or putting into service of batteries on the European Union market.

What we should be aware of:

  • Economic operators concerned: Manufacturers, Importers, Distributors, Repairers of batteries, Batteries waste management operators
  • Battery categories: portable batteries; starting, lighting and ignition batteries; Light means of transport batteries; Electric vehicle batteries; Industrial batteries.
  • Date of application : August 2024

Contact us for the implementation of requirements in due time.

Our episodes on the subject

▶️ Episode 0 - In the age of the Green Deal

▶️ Episode 1 - Battery regulation: Introduction

▶️ Episode 2 - CE marking requirements

▶️ Episode 3 - Restriction of hazardous substances in portable batteries

▶️ Episode 4 - Carbon footprint of batteries