Archives mensuelles: octobre 2018

Benefits of the implementation of flow indicators in LCA – Etienne LEES-PERASSO – 2013
Benefits of the implementation of flow indicators in LCA - Etienne LEES-PERASSO - 2013 Due to new regulations such as the ETS2 directive (2009/29/EC) in Europe, Grenelle laws including environmental labelling in France, the increasing demand on performance proofs from public bodies, contracting authorities, purchasers and end users motivates manufacturers to communicate on the global…
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Reducing the uncertainties in adapting prior LCI and flow data set databases to the ILCD-recommended characterisation methods – Etienne LEES-PERASSO – 2013
Reducing the uncertainties in adapting prior LCI and flow data set databases to the ILCD-recommended characterisation methods - Etienne LEES-PERASSO - 2013 Keywords: Life-cycle assesment, Ecological rsk assesment, Uncertainty, Case study  
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Méthode Eco’DEEE – Bureau Veritas CODDE – 2008
Proposition of the new recoverability indicators as support for the product design process, the elect(on)ic sector experience - Bureau Veritas CODDE - 2008 Abstract: This paper focuses on Recovery Conscious Design for electr(on)ic products. It presents a new tool that has been developed following requirements from industrial partners. The tool is made of quantitative Recoverability…
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